Clinique de Valère, Sion
A member of GSMN since early 2013, Clinique de Valère in Sion is the only listed private clinic in the Canton of Valais offering acute care services.
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and 4 brand new operating theatres, Clinique de Valère offers rst-rate medical care and provides personalised treatments that cater to the individual needs of every patient.
Given the fact that the clinic is also open to patients with general health insurance cover, its services are accessible to the whole of Valais’ population.
Clinique de Valère’s medical specialities include orthopeadics, cardiology and general surgery. Furthermore, the clinic is highly specialised in the treatment of obesity and illnesses related to it. Recognised by The Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity (SMOB) as one of Switzerland’s leading centres in this eld, Clinique de Valère provides comprehensive, high-quality treatment to patients suffering from medical conditions linked to obesity and overweight.
Each year, around 5,000 medical interventions are carried out at Clinique de Valère, out of which 3,000 are surgeries.
Key specialities
· Orthopeadics · Interventional cardiology · Electrophysical cardiology · General surgery · Urology · Gyneacology
Key figures
· 40 Beds · 50 Admitting physicians · 180 Employees · 3,000 Surgical interventions